Friday, April 10, 2009

Economic crisis- get back to basics!

The entire world is reeling under the pressure of slow down and melt down thesis. what causes this economic slide is left for people to wonder without being answered properly. Sometimes you are forced to think if it is thrust upon by the so called advanced nations who are ever eager to dominate and rule the less advanced nations by denying them equal rights to co exist. Remember the times when there were hardly any means of transport or communications and still people were going on with their lives. the wants were limited and happiness was abundant. I recall my childhood days playing foot ball, cricket,kho-kho, kabaddi, gilli danda( a local game). These days it is so difficult to push the youngsters to play out door sports as they are used to the luxury of playing video games in air conditioned comforts! the pressure of studies and acquiring technical qualifications became so compulsive that the modern generation has forgotten what sports is all about? The lure of money prompted the children to abandon their lively childhood and take to assignments that offered them enough money for which they would not mind working even for 18 hours a day! In the name of "Unwinding" they younger generation took to the pub culture and smoking thereby driving a wedge within the households terming them as generation Gap?? The developed nations such as the U S hired our young generation to work for them hard but paid them much more than what the Indian industries would offer but in no way match the salary or pay that they would be paying a local American if they had engaged to do the same job! The younger generation got encouraged to live life of a westerner and burdened himself borrowing loans in order to live a life kings style. Little did the people realise that the principles of Economics say that for every steep rise there will be a steeper downfall and thats what we are witnessing today.
Sometimes, i wonder if all these so called developments are necessary for us to live peacefully? We were living peacefully all these years despite the fact that there were no luxuries available as it is now! The only way to overcome this crisis is to get back to the basics and whats the basics for our country- it is agriculture! after all, man requires something to eat at the beginning and the end of the day!! The glitter of money was too much that most of the agriculturists in India sold their lands to the real estate owners who promise "Moon" to the buyers in features? The fact is that these features hardly contribute to the welfare. The available cultivable lands have shrunk considerably thereby causing a fall in food production which in turn has spiralled the prices. Its time that we realise our potential and measure our steps before embarking on any such projects in the name of development. After all every action has a suitable and opposite reaction is also outlined in Economics! The luxury of development drives in lethargy amongst the younger generations leading to frustrations and other repercussions in Life! Finally, what we must achieve is Peace and this can be infused only if we restrict our wants and feel contended with whatever we have achieved or comes in our way. when there is peace and happiness, life ride is smoother than any of the luxury cars that are available for a price, again!!!

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