The Indian security men do a good job in nabbing persons who are terrorists or assassins and produce them before the Judiciary for making judgement. The judiciary takes its own time to process the case and finally convicts with pronounced judgements. It takes nearly decades for the judiciary to come to an assessment and awarding punishments during which time the convicts are housed in jails enjoying the hospitality of the state without having to work or earn! Convicts like Afzal Guru, Kasab, Rajoana, and the killers of the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi are all languishing in jails at the cost of tax payers money and mustering strength through splinter radical groups that raise their head in support of the criminal and the crime committed. The political parties in India are strange alignments in the sense that they oppose to whatever the ruling party does or says as a matter of rule! The foul play of politics in brought in at all spheres and levels to oppose whatever the government does!
The Dravidian parties in Tamilnadu spearheaded campaign against capital punishment to the assassins of Rajeev Gandhi and even canvassed and funded legal aid in order to get relief from hanging to death in the famous Vellore Prison. Today, there is a radical group rising all out in support of Rajoana who is sentenced to death by hanging for brutally killing the former Punjab CM Beant Singh. This movement has support from the ruling Akali dal government headed by Badals. Afzal Guru who was sentenced years back to death by hanging for the Parliament attack is a high profile political prisoner who has managed to capture sympathy of political parties who are opposed to his sentence and have been evading it smoothly.
If all such criminals are allowed to escape the gallows and released after spending a few years in Jail, one wonders as to what is the meaning of Judicial verdict and the sanctity of the courts and law in the country? This tantamount to encouraging the criminals and justifying their acts of gory?
My suggestion to the government is that the convict should not be allowed to be kept in the same geographical region of crime and should be transferred to a jail which is far stretched from the land that he belongs to. A convict in Punjab should be jailed and executed in Kerala Prison and the prisoners or convicts of Tamilanadu should be jailed and executed in Punjab or Himachal so that the convict does not muster support or strength during the interim period and stall the entire judicial pronouncements?
The Government is made to look like a non-entity when such things happen and the local politics is seen to rise above the national politics and security of the nation. The central government must ensure that those who are convicted and sent to gallows are hanged to death upholding the judicial values and also sending a stern warning to those who indulge in such heinous crimes.