Amongst various scams and charges the political leaders including the CM of Karnataka and the defacto CM of Tamil Nadu were seen alongside the great saint of the century Satya Sri Sai Baba at his abode in Putaparuthi to seek blessings to get out of murky waters that they are in and to win sympathy overall. Hindus in general have a great quality to pardon and forget any body's sin if repentance is shown in such religious forms!
Sai Baba who celebrated his 85th birthday could have utilised the opportunity to advise the politicians to refrain from such scandalous acts of money making or creation of wealth in any form. He could have talked about living a simple, spiritual life and working relentlessly for achieving social and economic goals for the well being of human beings. He could have highlighted the Bakhti Marg to achieve objectives and goals in life and lift the spirits over and above the worldly pleasures which is called "Maya"!
Unfortunately, none of our swamijis or God Men preach anything about cleanliness in public life and the necessity of being sincere, disciplined and honest to attain a place that will be closer to God, once the soul leaves the human body. It is essential that such noble and Holy people utilise the opportunity to show good directions to all our politicians who scurry for cover and blessings whenever they are trapped in scandals. I bow my head to Satya Sri Sai Baba and offer my sincere pranams and wish for meaningful life which will take me a step closer to God?
Super, very well said. Even if sai baba preaches all the good things u said to the politicians, their lure, greed for money wont go.