Saturday, November 3, 2012

Skyfall- a non-adhesive bond movie

`Skyfall’ Review: Sam Mendes makes James Bond real

I was quite surprised to see availability of tickets even at 6pm for a 6.40 Pm show at the Inox, city centre, Chennai.
As predictable, the movie starts with action that will push you back into the seat and create an adrenaline rush. The action scene shot somewhere in Istanbul puts the movie in a different category of entertainment that has never been thought of?   The movie watchers in the theatre, after arming themselves with loads of pop corn and soft drinks, were seen walking and searching for their seats missing out the very purpose for which Bond movies are seen-ACTION??
Fortunately, to add fuel to the fire, right in front of my seat was a child sitting on her mother's lap and creating all kinds of noises that added to the background music of the film.  Believe me, it was hilarious at times though many people expressed their displeasure by looking back or staring at the direction from where the noise(nuisance) came!!
I do not know what made the director shoot the film more in a realistic manner throwing the basics of earlier Bond movies which dwell ed more on imaginations and fantasy!  People go to watch Bond movies with certain basic expectations of beautiful locales and romance with women!  This film is a poor replica of a genuine Bond movie and disappoints the fans.  This movie portrays acceptance of lost youth and also death which was never talked about in previous Bond films?  No wonder, the house was not full right on the first day of the show!!
The film involves a plot to kill the famous M(Judy dench) who directs Bond for whatever he does since ages, finally dies in an action filled drama involving the villian silva,  who once worked in the Secret service and fell apart with M.
Bond comes back alive after being shot at at during the fierce fight on top of a running train which will thrill anybody and everybody in the hall. Despite falling from heights into racing waters sucking Bond into depths, coming alive amazes everybody. .
<i>Skyfall</i> provides reasons to look forward to more.
The last action scene is not believable and makes the movie somewhat ineffective.  Sky fall is not up to the standards of  effective portrayal of James Bond and people who go to watch will have to apply Fevi-Bond if they have to sit through??

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