Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Election Commission's directive to U P Government

The directive issued by the Election Commission to the Government of Uttar Pradesh to cover up the statues of Mayawati and her elephants symbolising her party is unethical and stupid.  If at all the Election commission wanted to ensure fair elections, they should have stepped in the moment the statue installation work started which attracted lots of hue and cry from the public along with public interest litigation.  Merely asking the state government to cover the statues will have no impact on the voters who will vote according to their conscience.
The election commission should have interfered when huge, gigantic statues of Mayawati, her mentor Kanshi Ram and the party symbols were being installed using public money.  Now, after everything is installed and over, the Election Commission has suddenly woken up to direct that all the the  statues be covered.  The newspaper reports suggest that it may cost roughly Rs 1 cr to cover up the stupid act of the chief minister of U P in errecting her own statues everywhere in the state!  This is the cost of electing uneducated people to run the state!  Statues are errected only for those impeccable leaders who have worked selflessly for the cause of people and the country.  Mayawati is known for her ambitions to project herself as a saviour of the Dalits and ruin the state funds for petty matters like statues which is unproductive.

It is time that the constitution is changed in such a manner that no one can errect his or her own statues in any public place.  Statues or busts of eminent persons can only be put in museums for public viewing.  This will not only free the cities from congestion but also help in disciplining the political class to a great extent.

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