The much talked about and hyped movie of Sharukh Khan is released and so is the hidden humour of even those who are serious in life! Science fiction, imagined beyond imagination tickles and makes your heart light as you have nothing but to laugh at yourself for having spent so much money on a Diwali day but feel heartened enough to laugh throughout the movie!

Shahrukh as a Tamilian brain in Shekar Subramanian invents a new super video game to please his son Pratik who asks his dad as to why the villains in the game are conquered by the hero and why not otherwise? Now, the brilliant Tamil in Sharukh gets into the making of a super villain RA-one but of course, with one last tool that could eventually kill the villain and allow the hero to be a hero for all times! The idea is lifted from Terminator !

The opening shot is a typical video game shot where the female lover (Priyanka chopra) is captured by the villain(Sanjay Dutt) and the hero (Shah rukh) comes to rescue the lover on his motor cycle riding many ups and downs of the narrow hill. Priyanka chopra is tied to ropes and hung from a height yelling for help and I thought the role best suited her! Shahrukh does some wheelie stunts on the motor cycle and eventually rescues his lover and wakes his son up from his dreamy sleep! The stunts which are done by shahrukh will push many youngsters to emulate and end up risking their lives and body parts. I also fail to understand why a son sees only his dad as a super hero and not his mom as evident in his dreams where he pairs his dad with Priyanka and not with Kareena who is his mother?

Anyways, the magnum opus of Rs 195 crores(is the I-Tax listening?) goes about showing Indian cinematography at its best and comparable to Hollywood movies. Prateek plays the game on the computer and leaves the game at level 3 where the RA-one gets angry and asks the child not to leave the game in the middle but to go on with the fight. The mad Ra-one (Arjun Rampal) is angry with Prateek and comes out of the game alive to kill him. The huge fire balls that RA-one and the G-one throws at each other reminds you of 'Bowling game' with ease! The cars and other obstacles fly up and up in the air and falls all around except on the persons on whom it is intended!! The emerging of Ra-one from the 10 headed Ravan who is on fire during the Dussera and saying a dialogue- "why would we kill the same person year after year if there was any truth in his killing" makes sense for all our mythological believers. Yes, you feel like a 5th standard kid watching this and a special thanks to Shahrukh for making us feel like adolescent boys waiting to go home and switch on the computers hoping "Some-one" will come out for a talk or a walk?? As the night nears, I made sure that the computers were unplugged lest a RA-one emerges and urges me to fight disturbing my precious sleep and dreams!!
Shahrukh, the G-one feels that the life of Kareena and Prateek(his wife and son) are in danger and decides to go with them to Mumbai for safety. The virtual hero passes the tests of immigration! The security check scene is cheap humour as he opens his clothes from the top for each security bleep and goes right down to open his pants for the Gay officer who is in awe!

There is an unnecessary fight at the Mumbai airport when the three land running for cover from RA-one. The comical humour played on Tamilians at the beginning of the film where Shahrukh khan as a Tamil is shown eating Noodles with curd and with his hand is rectified for the sake of safety of film release all over the south of India by showing the Super star Rajini who comes to the rescue of G-one and tosses all the rowdies and villains like Masala-Pappads!! The audience at the theatre go frenzy seeing their super hero who appears as a saviour just for a couple of minutes. The film also tries to assuage the feelings of Tamils and fans their pride for their super hero when Kareena acknowledges "super hero-star" by patting her cheeks with both the hands and pulling her dupatta over her head in absolute respect for Rajini- the super star!! Our audience is quietened and appreciates the Northern acknowledgement with cheers!

The hero G-one makes a mockery of this self produced, science-fiction movie when he stops the train with his bare hands! In another scene, Kareena is made to pull out some metallic wires from his nose and was disgusting! Kareena Kapoor as Sonia is so full of energy in the film. Be it acting, dancing or the sense of dressing and the body language, Kareena excels in the entire film and is a big source of strength for the movie to run its best!

Shahrukh looks fit enough to be a perfect G-one hero with his pre-fabricated Torso and his skills in dancing. His ego hits the roof when he says in one of his dialogues that all the girls are made after him!!
The film has only 3 known characters namely Shahrukh himself, Kareena and Arjun Rampal out of which Shahrukh would have eaten the Lion's share of money followed by Kareena and Arjun. The trumpeting of Rs 195 crores does not make any sense to me and is envisaged as a marketing strategy or stunt for that matter.
Finally, the G-one kills RA_one and destroys himself. The triumph of good over evil at all times!!
The picture is worth watching if you do not have any expectations!!
Otherwise, the picture is good for its publicity and run as the thrill of video game will push all children to pester their parents to take them for this movie!! The parents, as in their homes, will keep going out in the middle for their pop corns or to look at posters of other films stuck in the theatres!!

The 2 songs Chammak Challo and dildhara picturised on Kareena and Shahrukh is a treat to the eyes considering the numerous steps that they perform! The latest trend being mix Hindi with Tamil to give it a different sound of music! The music compositions easily surpass the legendary A R Rehman in all ways and is a treat to hear and watch them perform on the video again and again!!
Keep it up Vishal-shekar!! Your music is A-one!!!