Friday, February 4, 2011

Swamijis should rise above levels of humans and resist attraction towards wealth!

we are constantly getting lots of information about various swamijis and gurus starting their own Ashrams and cults and look for an opportunity to charge the gullible devotees and extract money out of them.  This system only leads to conversion of rich and affluent into poor and enrich the Swamijis and gurus who cleverly get all such inflows into their coffers and command wealth and in turn, power!  I have personally known some good families getting wrecked leading to separation of spouses and children thereby causing unpleasantness and unhappiness in one's life.  I am reminded of a friend of mine who was a civil engineer struggling to make a living in 70s.  Now, he is rolling in money and when I asked him the formula for his success, he said 30 years back, i had knowledge but no experience or money whereas the person for whom I worked had them.  Today, I have money and knowledge whereas the person for whom I worked has knowledge but no money!!!  This is the art of living in his terms and how true this could be?  The Swamijis and Gurus adopt the same methodology and techniques to strip the people of their wealth and accumulate them for themselves. People should understand that the preachings and teachings of Swamijis are all well known to each and every individual themselves and do not need any Swami to rekindle or refresh them.  It is sufficient if time is devoted to family and its members and try to find happiness in whatever they do.  Money should never be the criterion for any action.  Happiness should be the ultimate objective of your actions and objectives, ever.  This methodology is applicable to both the men folk and the women folk alike in every family.  There will be no necessity for any art of living classes or any satsangh if people understand this concept and be happy with whatever they have and not aspire for anything that is unreachable or not meant for them??  Finally, I would like to remind everyone that you start your day saying to yourself that you will be happy and today is the happiest day of my life!  with this positive note, you are bound to start everything positively!!

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