The Punjabis in Delhi, my friends, often used to remark that South Indian girls are HOT! I used to wonder about this remark and the notions that the North Indians carry about the South Indian girls and women only to understand at a later stage in Life that what they meant was "The grass is green on the other side"? My schoolmate Vishnu Mohan had a Pen-Pal girl who used to live in Tel-Aviv, Israel and even carried a photo of hers in his wallet and used to flaunt to all the classmates and there was this awe from all the classmates remarking"girls from Israel are conceptual beauties and HOT!" This wrong notion of ignoring girls from within our own and looking at other pastures trigger a revolt of dislike amongst our own females about the men and resulting in their marriage outside our cultural circles! The end result is that our boys lose out good looking girls to men outside our cultural frames!
The filmdom is no exception to this and whether its Bollywood or the Kollywood, each one competes to bring in a female actor from a different geographical site to create a new sensation amongst the audience and leave them gasping and in awe! This film refuses to fly high despite Hrithik who appears in almost all the frames shouldering the entire burden of carrying the film on his strong shoulders!
Rakesh Roshan, Hrithik's father and the producer could have en cashed his son's popularity after the box-office hit of Jodha-Akbar if only he had really spent some money on the artistes and the sets although he claims to have spent nearly Rs 120 crores in one of his recent Television interviews! The selection of a Mexican model to star opposite Hrithik who speaks nothing but Spanish and broken English is again to create
an element of awe amongst the audience who are stunned with her statistics and exposure! Frankly, Kangana Ranaut looks much more attractive and prettier.
The film portrays both the actors clamouring for money and wealth and reach their respective destinations without any problems. They end up in the opposite direction for the sake of love which was never there and sprouted suddenly out of nowhere? The Foreign actor crying for her lover boy when he gets wounded in an exchange of fire with the underworld mafia seems very Desi, just to appease the Indian audience!
Hrithik is known for his dancing skills, macho-Rambo image and for is good looks comparable to any Western Hero. In this film, Hrithik hardly brings out his dancing skills, hardly shows his action-hero footage and to cap it all looks like a beggar in the last minutes of the film which is very important for a box-office formula as the last minute scenes are the ones the audience takes home and ponder about for a long time?
Hrithik jumps off the cliff into the deep sea right underneath making it the best photographed footage in the film rather than evoking compassion!
Rakesh Roshan must not have spent more than 1/10th of what he claims to have spent for the film as he has managed to keep most of the characters that are required in making a film away. For instance, Hrithik's family is unknown, how he reaches Vegas is a mystery given the stringent Visa rules and regulations imposed by the U S. He is teaching dance in a school but never shows his dancing skills except in the opening scene of the film for a bare couple of minutes! Kabri Bedi as the owner of a Casino in Vegas is shown with a son and a daughter and obviously the son becomes a villain scouting for a blood bath at any time without reasons? The music by elder brother Rajesh Roshan is absolutely wanting and re-recording should be once again Re-recorded!! Neverthless, he should be congratulated for making a film with just 3 1/2 characters- Hrithik, the villian Tony and the Mexican beauty in Moorie being the main 3 characters!
The entire picture is slower than the Goods-Train and Roshans should be congratulated for putting Hrithik's film career in a pull-back mode specially after the run-away success of Jodha Akbar! I had a good time looking at some of the prominent film actors who had come to attend the preview of the film!