This off beat film is about 2 Under privileged brothers who are known as Periya Kaka MUttai and Chinna Kaka Muttai because of their habit of stealing Crow's eggs from the Nest and gulping them raw that sends shock waves in one's body as this is something which is not very common and seen!
The slum where these boys live with their mother and grand mother depicts extreme poverty with unclean surroundings and free flowing sewerage that is unique to that world! Their father is in Jail for some unknown reasons and the mother struggles to get him released from the prison for which she has to pay the lawyer his fees, that is hard to generate. The boys are left free to play and collect char-coal from the railway tracks from the goods train that spills blocks and pieces of charcoal on the tracks while passing and this gives the boys some small cash that helps them for the day's expenses.
The projection of poor and the less privileged class living in unhygienic conditions and struggling to lead a normal life makes you sad and think.
The story starts when a Pizza hut springs up at the spot where these boys used to steal Crow's eggs and play. The Pizza shop is inaugurated by film actor Simbu who sits inside and eats a portion of Pizza served to him, happily waving to those children standing outside the shop, who look at him with awe and water in their mouth yearning for a piece of Pizza! The subsequent accumulation of Rs 300 required for buying a Pizza by selling charcoal and doing all errands evokes good sense of humour, laughter, thought provoking and touches the soul. The Manager of the Pizza shop slapping the elder brother and pushing him out of the compound, the boys trying to buy a new set of clothes from the city centre, Mylapore is enjoyable and speaks about the capabilities of the director in his job. The grandmother making dosa with dressings of vegetables used in Pizza show cases the affection and love between them and the efforts made by the grand mother to go to any extent to please her grand children! When the boys point out the difference that there were no noodles(melting Cheese), the grand mother tells them that that happens only when the food goes stale!
The introduction of local goons protected by a politician and how each one tries to en cash a situation to make money without letting it known to the other is hilarious. The greed to make money by hook or crook and the story wound neatly around it adds to the fragrance of the story and the capability of the Director who is updated with the current affairs.
Finally, the boys are able to realise their dream of entering the Pizza shop and eat their share of Pizza like the actor Simbu. The innocence of the boys unable to sit in the A/c comfort and not able to relish the Western delicacy in comparison to the Dosa that their grand mother gave touches your chord somewhere and places affection above all feelings!
The film starts a bit slow but towards the interval picks up and keeps you entertained throughout.
The camera man takes you right inside the area and makes you a part of the dwelling community, making you feel the life of a slum dweller! The Railway yard and the picking up charcoal that have fallen on the railway tracks brings in an aroma of charcoal mixed air that is experienced when you cross a railway yard! The subsequent death of the grand mother is elaborately shown a bit loud, a tragedy that could have been little subdued.
The under privileged boys' dream of having a Pizza sitting in the air conditioned shop and subsequent realization of the same at the end sends a meaningful message to the young children watching the film! Yes, You can do it if you have the will and determination!
A good film, well taken and directed, as good as the film Slum Dog Millionaire!