The falling of Mahi, a 5 year old child into the unused Borewell in Manesar, India reflects the apathy on the part of both the Government authority and that of the public collectively. The entire media attention was drawn to this episode for atleast 3 full days forcing the public to watch the proceedings live and finally drawing a big "Nil". The media in India just blows up the entire issue beyond perception just to hold the Government responsible for the situation and collecting public sympathy by showing images of the child trapped deep inside the Borewell and interviewing the parents and relatives who are ready to kill the persons holding positions in the government. There should be some kind of gag on the media and regulations about showing the incidents live to create public sympathy for an incident that has happened and that can not be unwound? The child's parents in their interview to the media said that they reported the incident immediately as soon as the child fell into the Borewell and that the police came only after about 50 minutes and that too without any tools or preparedness to pull her out alive out of the bore that was dug 80 feet. There is no disaster management team concept in India and what I hear is that they have started one specially after the Tsunami that hit Asia a few years back leaving memories that still haunt the Asian region? What intrigues me is that why did not the people around the area cordon off the Borewell site or atleast complain to the authorities about the Borewell that could end as a death- trap for innocent playing children? The collective social responsibility failed leading to this kind of incident that has ashamed the entire country.

Unable to cope with the situation, the local police summoned the army to help them out. The army whose duty is to defend the country is engaged in such matters defeating the purpose for which they are trained and stationed! The army came in and took nearly more than 3 days to dig a parallel pit and make a tunnel to the place where the child was stuck without life. Obviously, the child died without food and water for more than 3 days, stuck deep inside a Borewell where there was lack of Oxygen for her to breathe. The army should have planned their strategy precisely and retrieved the child within a few hours of their engagement and that would have enhanced their image and respect. Instead, the army chose a full 3 days excercise drawing the entire focus of the country through the media without any accomplishment.
The State governments in India give scant respect to the rulings and verdicts given by the Supreme court in respect of various matters and one such ruling is a directive from the Apex court to cap the borewells that are not in use so that precious lives could be saved! No one cares for the judiciary and things happen as they were and sometimes, its all barbaric!
Mahi is dead. Unless the guilty or the accused are punished, there will be many more Mahis who will die unable to breathe in mother earth's womb and perish. Who will take the first step forward to arrest these kind of incidents and very surely, it has to be the government who must pass orders to this effect, monitor and give out punishment to those found guilty. Indians are thick skinned and they fear only third degree punishments and this has to be done immediately to save and discipline humanity in India!!!

May god bless the innocent soul and allow it to rest in peace.