The steep increase in petrol price created a panic driven frenzy all over India resulting in wild protests and burning of effigies of political leaders in command of the nation. The Prime Minister is supposed to be the head of the cabinet and responsible for everything that happens in the country affecting the common man. We have a strange Prime Minister who claims to be an expert in Economics and who promised a corruption free government within 100 days of coming to power! Once voted to power these politicians forget whatever they have said to the voters and behave like Kings and treat people like beggars on the roads! They have no idea as to how much of hate they spread with their wrong governance through faulty and disastrous economic policies. The international crude price as of today is falling down due to less demand and Europe going into economic recession! In India, the fuel prices are going up like there is no tomorrow and oil companies claiming huge losses as an excuse! All these oil firms bring out a balance sheet which reflects profits in millions and more! Then, why this Kolaveri Di??
The Prime Minister of a country should be someone widely respected, dignified and honoured not merely because of his position but also for the knowledge, skills and sincerity with which he steers the country. I am saddened to see the fate of our Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh whose poster is stamped by numerous people all over the country exhibiting their hatredness and anger by stamping on his face. Many protesters burnt his effigy along with that of Mrs Sonia Gandhi, a descendant of Gandhi family who were held in high esteem even until a few years back? The leaders must realise that it is because of their faulty policies and remaining neutral to speak against corruption and nepotism that they find themselves in this position. Dr Manmohan Singh who is supposed to be an eminent economist finds himself in utter illiterate atmosphere for he does not know what his government is doing or where it is headed to?? Adding fuel to the fire is our Finance minister Mr Pranav Mukherjee who does not want to take any questions from anyone. He is so forceful that he wants journalists to only listen to what he says and that's the final word!
If there is any increase in petrol prices and devaluation of Indian Rupee, blame it on Europe going into recession or external factors! No one knows what is that external factor!!!?? The Reserve Bank governor does not know his job and has been saying that Reserve Bank would take necessary steps to control the slide of the rupee but then the rupee has already slid more than 40% in the last one year!!
The politicians at the helm of affairs should put their brain together and think sometimes for the cause of humankind and take considerate actions to mitigate the sufferings of the poor and the middle class and try to restore a respectable image and dignity for themselves so that their posters or pictures are not burnt or stamped in public any more?