Shiv Sena has been a strong political party in Maharashtra since the past several years sometimes on the hot seat of running the State and some times dropped like a hot potato by the people off Maharashtra.for their failures to run the State effectively. Their worry has further increased with Raj Thakrey, the nephew of the Shiv-sena chief floating his own political party and challenging his own cousin Udhav Thackrey who was given the mantle to run the party by the ageing and ailing Shiv-Sena Chief Bala saheb.
I am appending just a wild imagination and a piece of imaginatory advice to the Sena Chief as to how to tackle this competition to capture power in the state of Maharashtra, I would blindly ask them to follow the principles of DMK in Tamil Nadu headed by the grand old patriarch Mr M Karuna Nidhi who is greater than world Chess champion in Vishwanathan Anand or Kasparov in making stunning moves! The political moves that the octogenarian leader makes has no parallel and the opposition leaders are helpless and often hapless to counter the moves powered by the DMK patriarch!
First of all, Bala saheb should float his own TV Channel in which there should be continuous display or telecast of achievements made in Maharashtra on all fronts during the Sena rule( should be blown out of proportions)! Conquer the filmdom slowly by promoting kith and kins to capture the entire Hindi cinema as they have done in Tamil Nadu. Tamil nadu film industry is practically controlled by the family members of the ruling family. If only the entire Bollywood is controlled by Sena's kins, the entire film industry will be at the beck and command of Bala saheb and Udhav Thackrey! This way, Sena can also have the advantage of star studded campaign for all their elections and attract the crowd and convert them into votes!
Once the Sena comes to power, with the help of muscle power and money power they can ease out all other media channels from the scene and take over many other channels? Thus, the people will be at the mercy of Sena for their entire entertainment programme. For that matter, all Indians are hungry for entertainment of any sort and would forgo their food and the job if the entertainment is related to filmdom and its personalities! Side by side, if Bala saheb can pressurise some of the dailies to sell their stake to the kith and kins of Sena, they will have a good control of the publishing media as well and can control and feed only those news which are advantageous to the chief and his family.
Bala saheb must also introduce many of his own family members to the party so that the majority of the ministers and the MPs can be from within the house and this way the entire family tree will be well looked after!
The day is not far off when sena will be dictating terms to the centre and also arm twist the centre to give away important portfolios such as Finance(so that no one from the family is raided or even asked about the source of income), telecoms which is the main Nuclear generator of money for the entire life, spanning several generations! The ministry of shipping and highways would be yet another money spinner to feed through some ancillary channel. The agriculture ministry would not only gift the Sena huge pipelines for money flow but also entitle one of the family members to hold the important post of the BCCI in India and control ICC sitting in Mumbai. BCCI is a body which can fund many 5 year plans of the country and is plush with billions of dollars as assets and cash!
Sometimes, depending upon the moods of the chief and his pupils, some developmental works for the befit of public could also be undertaken so that they vote them back to power in the next elections! Just before the elections, Sena can announce free gas stoves, T V sets, bi-cycles for all those below the poverty line, free cinema tickets for families whose numbers exceed 6 etc.. etc..

If only this advice is taken in true spirits and letters, no power can stop you from making it to the throne for the next 5 years in a state where Mahalakshmi resides!!